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Due to the global pandemic, we have doubled and doubled again our efforts.

Current Programs


Pantry Box

With the global pandemic came financial uncertainty for many in Beverly/Morgan Park. Working with the 19th Ward Mutual Aid group and the Beverly Alliance for the Arts, we set up a brand-new Pantry Box. People may take what they need, give what they can. Located in the Edna White Memorial Garden adjacent to the 22nd District Police Station 111th & Esmond.

In 2023 we added the locker for toiletries to serve the migrants who are temporarily housed at the police station next door.

As Needed

Starter Kits

Distributed to people as they move into permanent living arrangements after experiencing homelessness.


Contents vary depending on need and are focused on providing basic supplies for the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Each kit is delivered along with a bag of fresh groceries.


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Free Store

Based on urgent needs due to the global pandemic, we hold a free store the first and third Wednesday of every month 3:00 - 4:30pm at Morgan Park Presbyterian Church, 2017 W 110th Pl in Beverly. We offer hygiene, first-aid, and household supplies. Masks, are available as well. This project is in partnership with Beverly Area Planning Association and the 19th Ward Mutual Aid.


The pandemic may be over, but the need still exists, so we are keeping it open for the foreseeable future.


Care Packages

Distributed to people we meet on the streets and at intersections. 


Contents include food, comfort items, and hygiene products.  Hand-knit hats and scarves are added for the colder months.




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© 2019 Turpin Cares, NFP

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